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来源:高校网 | 发布时间:2023-07-26 15:04:05 |  访问:643


张志国教授实验室(https://zgzhanglab-columbia.com)位于美国哥伦比亚大学医学院肿瘤遗传中心(institute for cancer genetics),主要研究方向为dna复制时表观遗传信息传递的分子机制以及肿瘤表观遗传调控。张志国教授课题组自2003年组建以来,发表论文百余篇,其中包括science,cell,nature,molecular cell,cancer discovery等众多国际知名专业期刊杂志。相关研究成果在表观遗传调控领域具有很高的影响力。张志国教授课题组自组建以来已培养出独立pi若干名,就职于北京大学,浙江大学,中国科学院等知名高校,具有很好的发展潜力。课题组目前经费充足,急需对细胞表观遗传学和肿瘤表观遗传学感兴趣的优秀青年加入。












postdoctoral fellow positions are available to study mechanisms of epigenetic inheritance and cancer epigenetics at columbia university irving medical center.

the first long-term goal of our laboratory is to determine how chromatin states are inherited during s phase of the cell cycle and how this process when going awry, leads to genome instability. specifically, we focus on elucidating nucleosome assembly pathways are regulated using a variety of systems including yeast, mouse embryonic stem cells and human cells. we have made major contributions to this field. our second long-term goal is to determine how epigenetic changes drive tumorigenesis and drug resistance. my laboratory is one of the first laboratories that discovered how onco-histone mutations, h3k27m (found in diffuse intrinsic midline glioma (dmg)) and h3.3k36m (found in chondroblastoma and head and neck cancer), reprogram cancer epigenomes and drive tumorigenesis. currently, we aimed at identification and characterization of epigenetic vulnerability of h3k27m cells aimed at identifying drug targets for this deadly disease.

candidates with a strong background in molecular biology, cancer biology, protein purification and structural biology are strongly encouraged to apply. detailed information about our laboratory and research projects can be found online:


interested candidates email their cv and the names of three references tozz2401@cumc.columbia.edu.


1. xu x, duan s, hua x, li z, he r, and zhang z. stable inheritance of h3.3-containing nucleosomes during mitotic cell divisions (2022). nature communications, 13: 2514.

2. mo y, duan s, zhang x, hua x, zhou h, wei hj, watanabe j, mcquillan n, su z, gu w, wu cc, vakoc cr, hashizume r, chang k and zhang z.epigenome programing by h3.3k27m mutation creates a dependence of pediatric glioma on smarca4 (2022).cancer discovery, 12:2906-2929.

3. yu, c., gan, h., serra-cardona, a., zhang, l., gan, s., sharma, s., johansson, e., chabes, a., xu, r.m., zhang, z. a mechanism for preventing asymmetric histone segregation onto replicating dna strands (2018). science, 361:1386-1389.

3. zhang, l., serra-cardona, a., zhou, h., wang, m., yang, n., zhang, z*. and xu, r*. multisite substrate recognition in asf1-dependent acetylation of histone h3k56 by rtt109 (2018). cell 174, 174(4):818-830

4. fang d, gan h, lee j, han j, wang z, riester sm, jin l, chen j, zhou h, wang j, zhang h, yang n, bradley ew, ho th, rubin bp, bridge ja, thibodeau sn, ordog t, chen y, van wijnen aj, oliveira am, xu r, westendorf jj, zhang z (2016). the histone h3.3k36m mutation reprograms the epigenome of chondroblastomas. science,352: 1344-1348.


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